
It is only when we begin to worship that we begin to grow.

NEW!!  We have moved to one service on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. (In-Person Worship & Livestream)


In-Person Sunday School includes options for all ages!

For adults:

GYM Class (God You and Me) (Seed Hall)

Room 1 Adult Class (David Jones)

Bethia SALT (Sharing And Learning Together) Adult Class (Room 103, Team Led)

For our youth and children:

Youth (Bistro) or Confirmation (Room 3)

Elementary aged Children (Room 220)

Preschool aged Children (Room 105)



Live Streaming now available

On Sundays, we are currently offering an internet-only Live Streaming  service at 9 am and 11 am. Click on the link to the right to go to our Live Streaming Page.  We look forward to in-person worship in the future.


Your generosity is making a difference. We believe in the power of generosity, what it does for the individual doing the giving, and for the purpose that the giving supports.

Throughout scripture, we are reminded of the importance of giving back a portion of what God has so generously provided. Giving is an act of worship and obedience, and should be done cheerfully with a spirit of thanksgiving.

Online giving not only allows you to give in a more convenient way but also to automate your faithfulness in giving.  Online giving permits you to schedule your giving of tithes and offering to correspond with frequency by which you are paid.

You may choose to give to the General Budget, Missions, Youth, Emmaus as well as Other. If you choose other you must include the area of ministry you wish your offering to be placed. During holidays or special events, you may see additional fund options from which to choose.

There’s more than one way to give.

Just place your check or cash in the offering during any weekend worship experience.
For your convenience, offering envelopes are available for your gift. You can place cash or checks (payable to BUMC) in one of these envelopes and put it in the offering. If you would like offering envelopes assigned to you, contact the church office at (804) 739-3459.


For many of you, carrying cash or your checkbook is a way of the past. You may give with either your debit or credit card immediately online. Click on the link to give immediately or to create an account where you can set up recurring gifts.  It’s quick and easy!

Inclement Weather Policy

Bethia UMC follows Chesterfield County Public Schools for closings and delays.  If the school system is in session we follow their closing schedule.  See local news channels.  On weekends or non-school days, closings, delays and cancelations will be posted on our Facebook page.

The C.P. and Helen Claud Memorial Prayer Chapel

Dedicated in 2007 as a place for personal and corporate prayer at Bethia UMC.  Both Helen and CP were long-time members of the Bethia Church family and prayer was an important part of their faith journey.  Helen told the congregation (in what would be her final address to the congregation) just a few years before her death, that every brick in the Bethia Church building was prayed over and her final gift to Bethia Church was to be used to provide a place of prayer for all who woul and could come to pray.

It is located in the room across from the double entrance doors of the sanctuary and is open daily during regular church hours.  It is currently a place for a weekly prayer service on Wednesday mornings, and it is the place of prayer for all Intercessory Prayer Team members to come each week to pray for requests submitted from every worship service on the blue prayer cards located in sanctuary pew racks. The Prayer Chapel is also a place where persons can meet with a Stephen’s Minister following every worship service for personal prayer. It has also been used for small weddings and other special worship celebrations.

Outdoor Worship Location (OWL)

As an Eagle Scout project, Skylar Zunk organized and built a new Outdoor Worship Location (OWL) with amphitheater-style seating. The OWL includes seating for about 45 worshipers, a fire pit, a 12-foot wooden cross and a flat stone patio area that serves as the chancel. It was consecrated as the “OWL in the Julie Fuss Memorial Garden”. The project was dedicated to Bruce Copal while the cross was dedicated in honor of Charles Aardema (Skylar’s grandfather and long-time member of Bethia)