


Our focus will be to meet each youth where they are in their spiritual walk and ensure all activities and programs are developed and delivered in a way that enables today’s youth to be tomorrow’s Christian leaders. Our foundation is be based on HOPE
Our Mission: Connecting with youth in a real and appropriate way, so they understand God is relevant to them today.

Youth Group is available for students in middle and high school. Bethia’s Youth Group meets currently in person from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the church.
Participants grow in faith, enjoy fellowship, and grow personally by participating in mission projects. This focus has proven effective. We have an active roster of 43 youth and regularly see 25-30 attend each week. We have adult volunteers that help out each week; we use social media to keep in contact with youth and parents. There are special events throughout the year that the youth can participate in. We plan weekend and summer retreats, mission work, car washes, lock-in’s, outings, youth lead worship services as well as our annual trunk or treat and living nativity.
All activities are based on the “HOPE” principles and designed to incorporate a minimum of one of the HOPE letters into the lesson or activity. A lot of thought and consideration is placed on the learning style and presentation of lessons. Studies suggest that only 5% of the population learn from a lecture style but 95% of the learning our youth receive is delivered by lecture. I use a collaborative learning style that is hands-on and engaging that makes the youth an active part of the lesson. I leverage the LIVE curriculum for youth ministry as the foundation for lessons and incorporate collaborative learning into all other HOPE related activities like outing or mission work.